OK, then. The Grand Lodge of California has suspended recognition of the Grand Lodges of Georgia and Tennessee: "I understand that the Georgia Grand Lodge there by added the following language to its Grand Lodge law: homosexual activity with anyone subjects the offender to discipline." (Most Worshipful David Perry, GM). He then describes the reasoning, taking it all the way back to the Anderson Constitutions.
This will be interesting to watch since the GL of CA recognizes almost every other jurisdiction out there.
Is anyone, besides me, going to LoneStarCon3 next week? I'm making some S&C stickers to put on badges.
I am doing research about Freemasonry in Burma (Myanmar), a country in which I lived four years. Would anyone have information regarding that subject? Any information, document, picture, reference or contact would be of tremendous help. I thank you all in advance for your assistance. Jak

Recently, the moderators of Masons disagreed about the appropriateness of a post titled "The Master's Hammer". Cortesius felt that the post was tangentially masonic and recommended to DonutGirl that the post should remain, despite her misgivings. Both agree that the Birthday Wishes to Clive Barker (of unknown masonic allegiance) was inappropriate. Grevvlad, take this as a warning.
The behavior of PierceHeart in this matter was more troubling. The moderators were contacted separately until a response that he found acceptable was obtained. This included misrepresenting the moderators to each other. Upon a review of the Birthday Wishes to Clive Barker, we found that PierceHeart was referring to the moderators as "total absentee landlords" despite the fact that they had responded to all his comments within 6 hours. Furthermore, the interchange in the messages was unenjoyable. We are loathe to make public the contents of these messages, but feel justified in our decision to ban PierceHeart.
This is not our first conflict with him. PierceHeart was adamant that someone be banned and that Grevvlad's posts be removed. This, PierceHeart, is a Pyrrhic victory. If Masonry might permit an additional teaching beyond silence and circumspection, I would suggest "snitches get stitches".
Anybody going to Renovation (the world science fiction convention) in a couple of weeks? I'll be there, working on the convention, but wouldn't mind taking a break sometime. Leave a note here or send a message...

When touched by Truth's immortal fire,
How firm each purpose stands!
Each wandering thought, each vain desire,
Obeys its high commands;
And ever, as the day rolls o'er,
The holy feelings rise,
To mark that future, cloudless shore,
Beyond these stormy skies.
How dear the kind, fraternal tie
That binds each manly heart,
Though sorrows fill the weeping eye,
Or joys their charm impart!
How dear, to Brothers good and true,
The plighted word that tells
Of trusting thoughts that spring anew
Where'er a true heart dwells!
The pledge that holds the willing ear,
The whispered word that's given,
Are kindly blessings gathered here,
To ripen yet in Heaven;
For He, whose promise never fails,
Lights up the holy fire,
To guide us on, through sorrow's vales,
And highest thoughts inspire.
Let altars of immortal Truth
Receive our willing vows,
The fairest gem of hopeful youth,
Or age that feebly bows:
When years on years have calmly passed,
And sorrows come no more,
Be each true Brother found, at last,
Upon a happier shore.
Thomas Power, 1844
Past Grand Secretary
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
I was discussing this with a brother recently- when and how secret is a secret? Many parts of our rituals have been published openly, and some bits are straight out of the christian bible. Even outside a tiled (tyled?) lodge or otherwise in private with our brethren, we can't avoid some of things that are considered secrets to us but also in common currency. For instance, look up the pass words in wikipedia. All the ones I know have entries, although Masonry they isn't specifically mentioned. Of course it would be improper to connect one of those words to it's place in ritual, but other than the old favorite "I can neither confirm nor deny that remark.", how do you handle this when it comes up with non-Masons?
- Current Mood
Hi all
I have an odd question. Has anyone out there had their partner ask them for implict detail of masonic ritual? If so how did you deal with it? On one hand you you have the SOb, on the other you have the implicit trust shared between one and one's partner. Please feel free to message me privately if you don't want to talk in a public forum.